Friday, March 14, 2014

Just a note...

Obviously, this is my blog and I am happy you're reading it. Writing is one of the most cathartic activities I have ever found, and for this reason I have kept journals almost my entire adult life, even if I've been a spotty writer at times.

The decision to take a blog and go public was not an easy one for me. Largely everything I have ever written that focuses on my life and all the challenges that come with it has been in a notebook, tucked away out of anyone's sight but my own. And I still journal away from here because it helps me to get out all the stuff I'd never publicly write about, though sometimes you can be sure a post I've made here started in a wire bound notebook. In fact,  more than likely they all do.

The point I am trying to make here is that I take my writing in my journal--and by the same token--my blog pretty seriously. It's not me trying to find a way to fill my spare time. I have none. This blog is the equivalent of me slicing my soul open and asking everyone to have a look. You may have noticed my posts really aren't all about unicorns farting glitter, and they aren't meant to be.

I have had some amazing feedback about what I have written,  and it makes me feel proud and slightly embarrassed to be honest. I appreciate all of the kind words and compliments I've gotten, from my best friend who knows every bit of what I write by virtue of who she is, to people I don't know very well at all who have made it a point to tell me. Thank you. You totally get it.

Someone told me today--totally unsolicited,  mind you--that my blog is "cute." This I find insulting if not completely condescending.  Clearly the person who said this hasn't taken a moment to read my posts and if he has, well, I just don't know what to say. Way to minimize something that means this much to me. All of the adjectives you could have chosen,  and cute is all you could manage?

Unicorns farting glitter are cute,  but we already talked about those.

What I'm getting at is this: don't piss on my leg and tell me it's raining.  Be genuine. You haven't read my blog? That's cool. I think it's pretty kick ass, but I'm biased. You don't like my blog? Hey, there's no helping bad taste. Let me assure you this endeavor is more about me than what anyone thinks of is my life. I hope I reflect that in what I write.

Meanwhile do me the favor of keeping your stupid thoughtless comments to yourself while you watch those unicorns blowing glitter out their asses,  thanks.

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